GROHE QuickFix
Vitalio Start 100 Wall holder set 2 sprays
Produkta numurs
Comfort, flexibility and great features combine in the GROHE Vitalio Start 100 wall holder set
- consisting of:
- Vitalio Start 100 hand shower (27 946 000)
- Vitalio Universal wall shower holder, non-adjustable (27 958)
- shower hose Vitalioflex Trend 1750 mm 1/2" x 1/2" (28 742)
- GROHE Water Saving 5.7 l/min. flow limiter
- GROHE DreamSpray perfect spray pattern
- GROHE Long-Life finish
- SpeedClean anti-lime system
- Inner WaterGuide for a longer life
- ShockProof silicone ring prevents damages caused by shower falling
- suitable for screwing (including screws and dowels) or gluing (GROHE QuickGlue S1 41 246 000 sold separately)
- holding force: max. 20 kg
- the specified holding capacity is valid for static (slowly applied) load and intended use only
- suitable for instantaneous heater
- 5 color packaging
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