ražošana pārtraukta
Vitalio Universal Shower rail, 600 mm Vitalio Universal Shower rail, 600 mm Vitalio Universal Shower rail, 600 mm Vitalio Universal Shower rail, 600 mm

GROHE QuickFix

Vitalio Universal Shower rail, 600 mm

Produkta numurs

Easy installation, smooth operation and good looks encapsulate the appeal of the GROHE Vitalio Universal 600mm shower rail – perfect for modern bathrooms

  • with wall holders, glide element and swivel holder
  • GROHE Long-Life finish
  • GROHE FastFixation (upper bracket adjustable for adaption to existing drilling holes)
  • suitable for screwing (including screws and dowels) or gluing (GROHE QuickGlue S2 41 245 000 sold separately)
  • holding force: max. 20 kg
  • the specified holding capacity is valid for static (slowly applied) load and intended use only
  • 5 color packaging
Poz. Nr. Prod. apraksts Pasūtījuma Nr.
1 Shower bar holder 48095000
2 Glide element 12140000
3 Shower bar holder 48097000

Installation Instructions

Saistītie produkti

GROHE QuickFix – pārsteidzoši vienkāršai vannas istabas un virtuves pārveidošanai! Nekad neesat mēģinājis pats mainīt santehniku? Izmantojot QuickFix, jūs to varat izdarīt. Sāciet savu projektu jau šodien un izbaudiet jauno dzīvesveidu

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